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Error when installing gqrx on Linux Mint 17.1

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I’m running Linux Mint 17.1 and had already installed git, pybombs, gnuradio, and OP25 per instructions kingly given by PiccoIntegra in throughout this thread on the RadioReference forums.

I decided I wanted to install gqrx.   Should be simple.   Switch to your ~/pybombs directory and type in:

./pybombs install gqrx

However, for me it wasn’t quite so easy.   After doing this, the installation failed with the following information below.

mike@LinuxMint ~/pybombs $ ./pybombs install gqrx
Settled on prefix: /home/mike/target
Loading recipes …
Installing packages:
* gqrx
Installing from source: gqrx
Configuring: (100%) [==========================================================]
Building:    (100%) [==========================================================]
Build failed. Re-trying with reduced makewidth and higher verbosity.
g++ -m64 -Wl,-O1 -o gqrx main.o mainwindow.o receiver.o remote_control.o remote_control_settings.o cafsk12.o costabf.o agc_impl.o correct_iq_cc.o lpf.o resampler_xx.o rx_demod_am.o rx_demod_fm.o rx_fft.o rx_filter.o rx_meter.o rx_agc_xx.o rx_noise_blanker_cc.o sniffer_f.o stereo_demod.o udp_sink_f.o afsk1200win.o agc_options.o audio_options.o bookmarks.o bookmarkstablemodel.o bookmarkstaglist.o demod_options.o dockaudio.o dockbookmarks.o dockinputctl.o dockfft.o dockrxopt.o freqctrl.o ioconfig.o iq_tool.o meter.o nb_options.o plotter.o qtcolorpicker.o nbrx.o receiver_base.o wfmrx.o pa_device_list.o pa_sink.o pa_source.o moc_mainwindow.o moc_remote_control.o moc_remote_control_settings.o moc_cafsk12.o moc_afsk1200win.o moc_agc_options.o moc_audio_options.o moc_bookmarks.o moc_bookmarkstablemodel.o moc_bookmarkstaglist.o moc_demod_options.o moc_dockaudio.o moc_dockbookmarks.o moc_dockfft.o moc_dockinputctl.o moc_dockrxopt.o moc_freqctrl.o moc_ioconfig.o moc_iq_tool.o moc_meter.o moc_nb_options.o moc_plotter.o moc_qtcolorpicker.o qrc_icons.o qrc_textfiles.o    -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lboost_system-mt -lboost_program_options-mt -lrt -lpulse-simple -lpulse -L/home/mike/target/lib -lgnuradio-analog -lgnuradio-filter -lgnuradio-fft -lgnuradio-osmosdr -lgnuradio-blocks -lgnuradio-runtime -lgnuradio-pmt -lQtGui -lQtNetwork -lQtCore -lpthread
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_system-mt
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_program_options-mt
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [gqrx] Error 1
Build failed. See output above for error messages.

So, I did some searching on the internet and found out that unless you compiled libboost stuff from source, the -mt is no longer needed.

To fix this issue:

  1. Edit ~/pybombs/recipes/gqrx.lwr, make the following change, and then save:
  2. Change:   qmake BOOST_SUFFIX=-mt

    To:   qmake BOOST_SUFFIX=

  3. Change back to your pybombs directory
  4. mike@LinxMinut ~ $ cd ~/pybombs

  5. clean the previous build data for gqrx and then rebuild gqrx
  6. mike@LinuxMint ~/pybombs $ ./pybombs clean gqrx
    Settled on prefix: /home/mike/target
    Loading recipes …
    cleaned local gqrx
    mike@LinuxMint ~/pybombs $ ./pybombs rb gqrx
    Settled on prefix: /home/mike/target
    Loading recipes …
    Installing packages:
    * gqrx
    Installing from source: gqrx
    Cloning into ‘gqrx’…
    remote: Counting objects: 5243, done.
    remote: Total 5243 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
    Receiving objects: 100% (5243/5243), 4.19 MiB | 896.00 KiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (2802/2802), done.
    Checking connectivity… done.
    Configuring: (100%) [==========================================================]
    Building:    (100%) [==========================================================]
    Installing: (100%) [===========================================================]
    installation ok via: src

  7. Run gqrx and have fun

mike@LinuxMint ~ $ gqrx


Written by awadmin

December 25th, 2014 at 12:40 am

Posted in gqrx

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