
RF Monitoring in the Ohio Valley

piaware — collecting data from dump1090 and forwarding to remote VRS

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I run a piaware instance on an RPI3 here at home. I have a VPS at DigitalOcean running VRS (Virtual Radar Server). I had the need to get the Beast output from Dump1090 forwarded to the VRS box.

modesmixer2 ( from ) works perfectly for this task. With one instance of modesmixer2 I can connect to the local beast-output-port of Dump1090-FA on my RPI and then forward that data via an outbound connection to VRS on my VPS at DigitalOcean.

I could set it up so that modesmixer2 automatically starts, but I prefer to start up modesmixer2 manually after the RPI3 has been rebooted. And for this I use screen.

– RPI3 with Dump1090-fa listening for connections on localhost:30005 to output Beast results
– VRS on a remote VPS listening on TCP 30055 for an incoming connection

1. Install screen

sudo apt-get install screen

2. Make the directory for modesmixer2 to live

mkdir /home/pi/modesmixer2; cd /home/pi/modesmixer2

3. Download the RPI3 version modesmixer2 from

It’s a Google Drive link. So I had to download it to my PC and then upload it to my RPI3.

4. Unarchive the .tgz file into the /home/pi/modesmixer2 directory

5. Run screen with appropriate arguments

screen ./modesmixer2 –inConnect localhost:30005 –outConnect beast:104.###.###.###:30055

(once it is running, press CTRL-A then d to force screen into the background)

If I need to access the screen session later on, I simply type “screen -r”

Written by awadmin

August 14th, 2017 at 11:43 am

Posted in ADSB

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